Francisca Aires Mateus (1992, Lisbon). Her artistic work is presented mainly through drawing, performance, video and sound. Currently, Aires Mateus has focused especially on the elaboration of projects in the intersection between the artistic spheres of music and visual arts. A good example of this practice is the project One Centimetre Apart, a performance where a graphic element gives rise to a musical score: for 18 days a performer draws horizontal blue lines on the walls of the space; at the end of each day a choir interprets these lines. Other projects representative of this line of research are Dzoing which consists in the construction of a new musical instrument and the exploration of its performative, sonic and musical possibilities and Far Away Water Won't Save Closeby Fire, a project where, in an attempt to magnify the small changes suffered in the translation process, several traditional Chinese tales are recorded in Cantonese and deconstructed, cutting each word and subsequently reorganizing them according to their sound and rhythm, creating new textual and sonic constructions. Francisca completed an MA in Fine Arts at the Slade School of Fine Arts - UCL with Distinction in 2017. In 2015 she graduated in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon and also completed an LRSM: Degree in Violin by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music. In 2018 she was one of the winners of the Portuguese Emerging Artists competition and was also awarded a scholarship for an artist residency at Hong Kong Baptist University. In 2016, she received a scholarship from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and was one of the winners of the Carpe Diem Art and Research Young Art 2016 competition. Her work has been featured in various exhibitions such as I am Sorry I am Late, London, 2018; BUC BOC, Hong Kong, 2018; I Will Take the Risk, Lisbon, 2019; Paadmaan Video Event, Tehran, 2019.